Pod Point
EVSE manufacturer
Senior Embedded Engineer
- Designing, implementing, and testing new features for Pod Point's EV charger
- Working across different hardware revisions (TI C2000 / STM32 / ESP32)
- Writing low level code to interface with hardware directly
- Writing high level code to communicate with Pod Point management servers. Worked on designing and implementing the migration from a proprietary protocol to OCPP (Websockets / mTLS)
- Introducing cloud based automated reproducible builds for firmware (Github Actions)
- Introducing Unit Testing to firmware repositories
- Bringing up a Yocto based Linux distribution on iMX6ULL based hardware
- Configuring system services to set up required interfaces and software
- Design and implement device specific apps in Rust that communicate with the EV Charging software (EVerest via MQTT)
- Work with Dev Ops teams to set up automated cloud builds and custom certificate bundles
- Develop a novel way to flash a bmap sparse image via TFTP
- Implemented cmocka or pytest for all active projects in the Hardware team
- Set up automated testing in Github actions
- Set up automated builds for STM32 and ESP32 projects
- Designed and implemented the migration from a proprietary HTTP REST API to using a industry standard protocol over Websockets (OCPP)
- Implement certificate management and mTLS connection using lwIP and mbedTLS on an ESP32
- General embedded development to add features and maintain existing firmware on STM32/ESP32
Embedded Engineer
Sam Kent LTD
Contractor working on various projects
Microbit Education Foundation
- Various contracts with the foundation working on software and hardware for the BBC micro:bit and it's ecosystem.
- Supporting the development of the DAL/CODAL Hardware Abstraction Library for the Microbit Educational Foundation (nRF51/nRF52)
- Designing and implementing a custom BLE bootloader for the micro:bit (nRF51/nRF52)
- Developing and testing hardware for micro:bit v1.5 and micro:bit v2
- Speaker / Microphone analysis
- Hardware verification of new product
- Driver development for various peripherals
- Implemented a compatibility layer for micro:bit V2 to interface with existing mbed libraries
- Created an open source reference design for the micro:bit v2 in KiCAD
- Adding WebUSB support to the micro:bit’s Python Editor
- Examples of work can be found on GitHub: https://github.com/microbit-sam
- Linux
- STM32
- ESP32
Remidi Pro
- Developing firmware for a USB MIDI keyboard (Extra Deluxe Mfg. “The Sixty-One”)
- Working with a company based in Austin, Texas implementing drivers for the controls, a composite USB HID & MIDI class, and debugging their hardware over video calls
- Developing bespoke USB MIDI (STM32 based) device
- Designing and manufacturing a modular set of I2C daughter-boards that can be reused in other devices
- Developed a WebMIDI interface to configure the controller
- Developed an online mortgage application system for a mortgage broker (Laravel/MySQL)
- Building a photo management system for an event photographer (CakePHP/MySQL)
Boss Controls LTD
- Developing an online engineer reporting system (React/PHP/MySQL), plus companion mobile apps (React Native) for a company specialising in Building Management Systems
Other short term contract work
- Debugging and fixing amplifiers, guitar pedals, mixers, any other electronic hardware
- Web development, server management, technical assistance
14 months working at Arm in Cambridge between the undergraduate and MEng year of my degree
Demonstrations Engineer (Intern)
- Building demonstrations using ARM technology
- Discussing features and implementations of demos at events/trade shows such as ARM Tech Con and Embedded World
- Developing software to run on embedded systems
- Designing and building embedded system projects